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Women v. The World

Capstone Project

I am completing a joint project with Madison Mazer. Our project is an online exhibition of various medias of art such as body painting, digital collages, portraiture, and videos of us creating our art uploaded onto an Instagram account. Our art is centralized around the mistreatment of women through issues such as the wage gap, sexualization of women, domestic abuse, and their right over their bodies. Our goal is to present these issues through social media to reach audiences who might otherwise not think about women’s inequality. We are utilizing all the features of the app such as stories to give daily reminders and polls to see how our audience views these issues, posts to display our art, and IGTV videos to show our process in creating the art. We will research these women’s issues throughout history using scholarly sources and study what would attract our audience by creating surveys and creating focus groups to better understand how others think about these issues, so we can attract more viewers to our page. With this extensive research we intend to create a platform that attracts viewers to educate them on women’s mistreatment and then advocate for equal rights there on out.

Capstone: Welcome

Sophia Averza

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